NOTE: These are proposed changes. All of the items listed below are not currently live on AtomicHub. Collections do not need to reapply at this time.
We are actively seeking feedback on these updated proposed changes. Please read the full article below, then give us your feedback via this form. Thank you!
We’re proposing a number of changes based on your feedback, such as;
First things first, thank you to everyone who gave their feedback on our initial proposal for a raft of changes regarding our whitelisting/verification system. As previously stated, no feedback is more important than that of you, our users – and as a result of your suggestions, we’ve made a series of proposed changes to the initial plan.
Our renewed position is that we should be a moderator, rather than a judge, of the collections on our marketplace – and the community should play a pivotal role in how collections are presented and displayed.
As outlined in our initial proposal, we intend – and continue to intend – to replace Whitelisted with a new Checked status. However, the proposal to replace Verified with Established has been scrapped. We intend for there to be no “higher level” under these latest proposals.
To obtain Checked status, collections will be required to pass the following checks:
In contrast to our current system, Business Checks will only become a requirement once a collection (of any type) surpasses a total market volume of $100,000. We will give collections a 60-day window to complete these checks once this requirement has been reached.
As a result, we will no longer require brand-new collections to have a legal entity behind them.
In-line with our previous proposal, we will give all eligible collections a 6-month window to apply for Checked status. This window may be extended if required, and we will inform all creators of any changes. Collections that fail to apply for the Checked status by the end of this window will have their Whitelisted or Verified statuses removed.
To give the community a more active role in how collections are presented and displayed, we are proposing a community-based review system, in addition to the new Checked status.
Knowledgeable, reputable and long-standing members of the community will be invited to become Community Curators.
Community Curators will be able to submit reviews and ratings for Checked collections. These reviews will be based on a set of guidelines – enshrining transparency, respect, unbiased opinion and objective critique. These reviews will not, in any way, be based on earning potential or ROI.
Curators may be removed from this role if their reviews do not meet the standards set by these guidelines.
Curators will be asked to give a rating out of 5 across multiple categories. Here’s a few categories we’re considering, and which we’d love to hear your feedback on:
These scores will be aggregated into an overall star rating displayed on the Collection page, and perhaps via tooltips and market cards. Clicking on this rating will display a breakdown of the individual scores and reviews.
To complement Checked status, and provide more uniqueness to how collections are presented, we propose the implementation of a Badge system.
Collections with Checked status can collect badges for various achievements and milestones. These will be displayed on their Collection page. Collections will be able to choose one badge to display alongside their collection name across AtomicHub, such as on their tooltips and market cards.
Here are a few badges we’re considering:
To give your feedback on these new proposals, please share your thoughts via this form. As before, we’ll consider all the feedback provided before taking our next steps.
If you’d like to discuss these proposals with our team, please reach out to us via our Discord server.