Be a Climate Hero with AtomicHub

Be a Climate Hero with AtomicHub

Forests store millions of tons of carbon, but we're losing 40 football fields a day. Together, we can save trees around the world, using the power of blockchain.

AtomicHub Community Action against climate change:


Removing CO₂ from the air


Offset this month

Party Popper

Total amount offset

How does it work?

Step 1

Contribute to carbon offsets with each NFT transaction and protect one of this month’s selected projects.

Step 2

Earn NFT prizes as you accumulate carbon offsets throughout the month. Each NFT is a badge of honour, representing an endangered animal or tree you’ve supported.

Step 3

At the end of the month, we donate the accumulated carbon offsets, supporting Verra-registered, CCB Gold projects around the world to deliver measurable environmental and social impact.

Discover this month's projects and donate!

No projects to show this month


Discover who has the all-time highest carbon offsets, and see where you and your friends rank!

About MetaCarbon

In the fight against climate change, every individual, corporation and government must be involved. We aim to make carbon offsets FUN, ENGAGING AND TRANSPARENT using blockchain, NFTs, Web3 and other engagement tools.

We seek to help companies reduce both their own and their customer’s carbon footprint, with carbon offsets as small as 1kg available at the point of sale. We use only the highest quality, REDD+ carbon offsets registered with Verra.

Learn more about MetaCarbon

Got any questions? Here are some answers

Meta Carbon Inc operates both a Web2 and Web3 carbon offsetting platform. Our Web2 product, Stand for Trees, has been offering retail carbon offsets for credit card payments for more than 8 years and is partnered with USAID and Code REDD to offer the highest quality of carbon offsets through our 15 carbon projects across Asia, Africa and Latin America. All of the Stand for Trees carbon is REDD+ and includes CCB Gold Ratings as well as additional social co-benefits measured in terms of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Stand for trees also offers tools to measure your personal carbon footprint, the carbon footprint of any travel you take, and can also be used to perform a relatively simple measurement of a business’ carbon footprint.

Our Carbon Offset Certificates are issued by Stand For Trees and represent measurable, verified, high-quality carbon credits that prevent carbon dioxide from entering the Earth’s atmosphere by protecting a specific endangered forest. As each one of these forests also protects wildlife, regional ecosystems and helps to support local livelihoods, each certificate represents measurable impacts for climate, communities and biodiversity.

One tonne means one metric tonne of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas most responsible for climate change. Carbon dioxide traps heat, so when there are high concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere, the planet gets warmer.

Clearing the world’s forests is the second-largest source of carbon emissions, and it destroys centuries-old ecosystems that are home to millions of species, rare wildlife, and which provide critical resources for local and indigenous communities. That’s why it’s so urgent that we protect our forests.

Normally, a regular person could never save a forest directly. That’s because most initiatives to save forests involve campaigns targeting policy or industry. And these may or may not be successful.

REDD+ is the only way to save a forest and guarantee the results. But again, regular people generally can’t access REDD+ credits, because they’re usually business transactions.

Until now… because AtomicHub and Meta Carbon have partnered to solve this problem, and to bring the power of REDD+ directly to AtomicHub users.

The REDD+ model is UN-approved, has been extensively proven, and is now expanding to cover entire regions or countries. Projects meet rigorous third-party standards, and are informing and linking with these regional and national programs and policies. Responsible corporations are also addressing their unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions by investing in forest conservation through REDD+.

In a nutshell, this means we remove the tonne from circulation, so it’s not available for purchase anymore. It’s just like walking into a store and buying a physical product – nobody else can buy the same one. Retiring a tonne of carbon is similar to what you do with other commodities when you use them, like eating a bushel of corn.

How does this work exactly? Once a project’s activities and successes are verified by a global registry like Verra or Gold Standard, it issues carbon credits for the emissions it’s preventing. Each credit represents one tonne of carbon, and has its own, unique serial number. All the credits are stored on S&P Global’s Markit, a leading international financial registry and Meta Carbon partner.

When you buy a tonne, our system automatically informs Markit, which then removes the credit from circulation (i.e. retires it) by tagging its serial number to no longer be available for purchase.

Code REDD is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to support and scale the REDD+ mechanism to fulfil its full potential to empower people, preserve forests, protect wildlife and reduce emissions.

USAID (The United States Agency for International Development) is an agency of the US federal government. It works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realise their potential. Within its Global Climate Change initiative, USAID has supported sustainable landscapes and REDD+ projects around the world. Code REDD and USAID have come together to create the Stand For Trees campaign, recognizing the vital need to spread awareness of and engagement with REDD+ to citizens globally.

Stand For Trees projects are selected based on their ability to demonstrate robust impact on forest conservation and community development. Projects must hold both Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) andClimate, Community, and Biodiversity (CCB) certification. They must also hold Gold Status for at least one CCB criteria. Projects and their developers must also meet Code REDD’s ownCode of Conduct.

NFTs from the previous month’s carbon offsetting activity will be dropped to your WAX wallet in the first week of each month. This gives us time to ensure all the carbon is properly offset and correctly attached to the appropriate NFT collections.

There are two types of carbon-backed NFTs. The first are called “Retirement NFTs”, which are digital receipts of carbon offsets. They use the cryptographic properties of NFTs to fractionalize carbon offsets into small denominations, while ensuring that there is no double-counting.

Carbon offsets are generated in denominations of 1 tonne of CO₂ by the forestry projects and others that capture carbon from landfills, gas leaks, farming and other sources. To offset an NFT sale, you’d need to buy multiple Kg of carbon, so NFT collections are used to break 1 tonne into 1000 NFTs of 1 Kg each - and ensure that each tonne is only connected to exactly 1000 of these smaller NFTs.

These Retirement NFTs have all the data about the carbon offset, where it was produced, what year it was produced (vintage), how it was produced, how much it was sold for, and links to the Verra, Gold Standard or other registry where it’s officially tracked.

These NFTs are non-transferable, because when you retire a tonne of carbon, it’s the equivalent of using it - like eating a bushel of corn. The user who retired that carbon cannot be changed - it’s immutable.

Next, we have “Merch NFTs”. These are the NFTs that AtomicHub users receive. They ARE transferable, collectible, fun and charismatic, and are based on endangered plants and animals. Our Merch NFTs are 3D renders, sometimes animated and limited in supply, and will allow you to celebrate your environmental credentials. Each of these NFTs is connected to the Retirement NFTs that record the carbon offset.

Each time you complete a transaction on AtomicHub, you have the opportunity to offset a small amount of carbon. The typical American has a carbon footprint of over 1 tonne of CO₂ per month; the typical European has slightly less than that. You can measure your carbon footprint on Stand for Trees.

At the end of each month, the top 10 AtomicHub users that have offset the most carbon will receive a “Platinum Foil” Carbon Creature Merch NFT. Stay tuned for which NFT we’re giving away each month.

The next 40 top carbon offsetting users (by total CO2 ), will get a “Silver Foil” Carbon Creature Merch NFT. The next 100 top offsetting users will get a “Silver Tier” Merch NFT. Users beyond the top 150 will receive a Green Tier Creature and a sweet Tree NFT. If you collect enough of these Tree NFTs, you’ll be able to trade them in for a Creature NFT at a later date.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at